We've produced Divided Hearts of America to get to the root of what is dividing our nation and to advocate for a truth that will unite us. The film follows NFL Champ Benjamin Watson as he embarks on a journey speaking to leaders like Senator Tim Scott, Sec. Ben Carson, and Alveda King.

What Benjamin found is striking as we have failed to live up to our nation's founding principles. The first brutal denial of these founding principles was slavery, then segregation, and now the tragedy of abortion.

But we need your support as the mainstream media and social media networks are silencing us. We need to ensure the broad distribution of this critically important film. We have just released it on pay-per-view on SalemNow. However, this powerful documentary on abortion must be seen by every American voter and fast...before ELECTION DAY.

Can you help us raise the $150,000 we need by October 15th to make sure millions seen this film?

Now, more than ever before, it's time to send a message about the incomparable beauty and dignity of every human person.

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